Soil is the top layer of the Earth’s crust and is essential for supporting life. It is composed of different particles like clay, sand, and silt, along with organic material called humus. There are three main types of soil: clay, sandy, and loamy soil. Loamy soil is the best for plant growth, while clay retains the most water, and sandy soil is often used in building industries. Soil provides essential minerals, water, and air to plants and soil organisms. Soil erosion, caused by water, wind, and human activities, is a major concern, as it washes away the top layer of soil. Preventing soil erosion is important for maintaining the fertility of the land.
Exercise for Children:
Complete the exercise using the following words only: Soil, Clay, Loamy, Humus, Clay, Sandy, Erosion, Silt, Clay, Sandy, Loamy, Subsoil, Humus, Layers, Sand, Air, Weathering, Terraced, Earthworm, Waves, Clay, Particles, Water, Bedrock, Decay, Humus, Decomposition, Silt, Air, Sandy, Decomposition, Humus, Air, Savandera, Sieves, Mixing, Topsoil, Wind, Windbreakers, Loamy, Water, Erosion, Sand, Development, Loamy.