The Bengali alphabet, also known as the Bangla script, consists of 50 letters. Here's a list of the Bengali alphabet with their approximate English pronunciation:
অ (a) - Similar to the 'a' in "car."
আ (ā) - Similar to the 'a' in "father."
ই (i) - Similar to the 'i' in "bit."
ঈ (ī) - Similar to the 'ee' in "meet."
উ (u) - Similar to the 'u' in "put."
ঊ (ū) - Similar to the 'oo' in "moon."
ঋ (ṛ) - There's no exact English equivalent, but it's a vowel sound similar to 'ri' in Hindi "रिश्ता."
এ (e) - Similar to the 'e' in "bet."
ঐ (ai) - Similar to the 'ai' in "aisle."
ও (o) - Similar to the 'o' in "pot."
ঔ (au) - Similar to the 'ou' in "out."
12. ক (k) - Similar to the 'k' in "kick."
খ (kh) - Similar to the 'kh' sound, as in the Scottish "loch."
গ (g) - Similar to the 'g' in "go."
ঘ (gh) - Similar to the 'gh' sound, like in "ghost."
ঙ (ṅ) - There's no exact English equivalent, but it's a nasal sound.
চ (c) - Similar to the 'ch' in "chat."
ছ (chh) - Similar to the 'chh' sound, like in "chhat."
জ (j) - Similar to the 'j' in "jazz."
ঝ (jh) - Similar to the 'jh' sound, as in "rajah."
ঞ (ñ) - Similar to the 'ny' sound, as in "canyon."
ট (ṭ) - Similar to the 'ṭ' sound, with the tongue touching the roof of the mouth.
ঠ (ṭh) - Similar to the 'ṭh' sound, with a puff of air.
ড (ḍ) - Similar to the 'ḍ' sound, with the tongue touching the roof of the mouth.
ঢ (ḍh) - Similar to the 'ḍh' sound, with a puff of air.
ণ (ṇ) - Similar to the 'ṇ' sound, with the tongue touching the roof of the mouth.
ত (t) - Similar to the 't' in "top."
থ (th) - Similar to the 'th' in "thick."
দ (d) - Similar to the 'd' in "dog."
ধ (dh) - Similar to the 'dh' sound, as in "this."
ন (n) - Similar to the 'n' in "no."
প (p) - Similar to the 'p' in "pen."
ফ (ph) - Similar to the 'ph' sound, as in "philosopher."
ব (b) - Similar to the 'b' in "bat."
ভ (bh) - Similar to the 'bh' sound, as in "bharat."
ম (m) - Similar to the 'm' in "man."
য (y) - Similar to the 'y' in "yes."
র (r) - Similar to the 'r' in "red."
ল (l) - Similar to the 'l' in "lake."
শ (ś) - Similar to the 'sh' in "shoe."
ষ (ṣ) - Similar to the 'ṣ' sound, like in "ṣaḍḍama."
স (s) - Similar to the 's' in "sun."
হ (h) - Similar to the 'h' in "hat."
Please note that Bengali pronunciation may have regional variations, and some sounds may not have exact equivalents in English. The transliterations provided here are approximate and may not capture all the nuances of Bengali pronunciation.