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Basic Vocabulary: Continue to build vocabulary with new words and phrases related to everyday life, family, hobbies, and more in Spanish

In a grade 7 Spanish class, students would continue to build their vocabulary with new words and phrases related to various aspects of everyday life, family, hobbies, and more. Here are some examples of basic vocabulary words and phrases that might be introduced.

Everyday Life:

  1. La casa - The house - ("lah kah-sah")
  2. El dormitorio - The bedroom - ("el dor-mee-toh-ree-oh")
  3. La cocina - The kitchen - ("lah koh-see-nah")
  4. El baño - The bathroom - ("el bahn-yoh")
  5. El comedor - The dining room - ("el koh-may-dor")
  6. El jardín - The garden - ("el har-deen")
  7. La calle - The street - ("lah kah-yay")
  8. La ciudad - The city - ("lah see-oo-dahd")
  9. El parque - The park - ("el par-kay")
  10. La escuela - The school - ("lah es-kway-lah")


  1. La familia - The family - ("lah fa-mee-lee-ah")
  2. Los padres - The parents - ("los pah-dres")
  3. Los hermanos - The siblings - ("los er-mah-nos")
  4. Los abuelos - The grandparents - ("los ah-bway-los")
  5. El hijo - The son - ("el ee-hoh")
  6. La hija - The daughter - ("lah ee-hah")
  7. El tío - The uncle - ("el tee-oh")
  8. La tía - The aunt - ("lah tee-ah")
  9. El primo - The cousin - ("el pree-moh")
  10. La prima - The cousin (female) - ("lah pree-mah")


  1. El hobby - The hobby - ("el oh-bee")
  2. La música - Music - ("lah moo-see-kah")
  3. El deporte - Sports - ("el day-por-tay")
  4. La lectura - Reading - ("lah lek-too-rah")
  5. La pintura - Painting - ("lah peen-too-rah")
  6. El cine - Cinema - ("el see-nay")
  7. Los videojuegos - Video games - ("los bee-day-oh-hway-gohs")
  8. La fotografía - Photography - ("lah foh-toh-grah-fee-ah")
  9. La cocina - Cooking - ("lah koh-see-nah")
  10. La danza - Dance - ("lah dan-sah")

These pronunciation guides are approximate and are intended to help with basic pronunciation. It's often helpful to hear native speakers or use language learning resources to improve pronunciation further.


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