Hobbies (Pasatiempos):
- Leer (lay-ehr) - To read
- Dibujar (dee-boo-hahr) - To draw
- Pintar (peen-tahr) - To paint
- Bailar (bahy-lahr) - To dance
- Cantar (kahn-tahr) - To sing
- Escuchar música (ehs-koo-char moo-see-kah) - To listen to music
- Jugar videojuegos (hoo-gahr vee-day-oh-hweh-gohs) - To play video games
Sports (Deportes):
- Fútbol (fooht-bohl) - Soccer/Football
- Baloncesto (bah-lon-sehs-toh) - Basketball
- Béisbol (bey-eese-bohl) - Baseball
- Tenis (teh-nees) - Tennis
- Natación (nah-tah-see-on) - Swimming
- Atletismo (ah-tleh-tees-moh) - Track and Field
- Gimnasia (heem-nah-see-ah) - Gymnastics
Leisure Activities (Actividades de ocio):
- Ver películas (vehr peh-lee-koo-lahs) - To watch movies
- Hacer manualidades (ah-sehr mah-noo-ah-lee-dah-des) - To do crafts
- Cocinar (koh-see-nahr) - To cook
- Viajar (bee-ah-hahr) - To travel
- Acampar (ah-kahm-pahr) - To camp
- Montar en bicicleta (mohn-tahr ehn bee-see-klehtah) - To ride a bicycle
- Coleccionar sellos (koh-lek-syon-ar seh-yohs) - To collect stamps